Each envelope has a different evaluation of learning tool in it eg call my bluff, tweet for help, text what you have learnt, gimme 5 (new words etc) for kids to lift out and stick into books as they choose to reflect on learning. The silver board is called el espejo de reflejo (the mirror of reflection) of what to stop doing, do more of and do less of, either for me or talking about themselves. You can get the resources for the small envelopes here http://ukedchat.com/wsr00010
Saturday 11 October 2014
Self reflection board
Thanks as usual to Twitter, I have found some cool ideas I have merged into one.
Friday 26 September 2014
Here are some of my favourites:
A generic one. (3 depressing facts. Today isn't Friday. Tomorrow isn't Friday. Even the day after tomorrow isn't Friday)
Form 3 are doing parts of the body (I've got your nose)
Form 2 and Form 5 are doing the topic of education (When your teacher separates you from your best friend in class)
Yes, you could probably find most of these using a search engine but the excellent thing about Pinterest is its ability to store these pins for you.
I saw a tweet a while ago on Twitter about Plickers and made a note to myself to check it out. As Upper 6 ploughed their way through a timed essay today, I decided to have a look. The tag line on their website is "Plickers is a powerfully simple tool that lets teachers collect real-time formative assessment data without the need for student devices" It uses funny wee cards and one smartphone and it's genius. Here's my idiot's guide...
1) go to the website http://plickers.com
2) sign up for an account
3) select classes tab and click on Add new class then type pupil names in. This was slightly tiresome as I have all class lists electronically but couldn't see a way to import them. Nor could I see a way to fix a typo and ended up deleting a class (twice!) and starting again.
NB message just arrived in email
"You can edit a student by viewing your roster for that particular class from the Classes tab on the website. Then, you can hover over the student's name to see the dropdown menu arrow, and you'll have options there, including one to "Edit student." "
4) print off the cards from the website and ensure the pupils know which card is theirs, according to the number on the website class list. I went to the photocopier room after school and have copied enough to let the pupils have their own to glue into their books. I figure this will save time and make it much more immediate than giving the cards out every time, sorting the numbers etc..
5) select library tab and type in a question plus 4 options for answers. Then add it to a class. Today I did a question in Spanish for U6 on how happy they were with their essay and one for Form 2 on their favourite subject.
6) crucially, download the Plickers app! I forgot I had done this and a tech-savvy U6 and I struggled round the website trying to work out how to use it. Whoops!
7) open the app and log in with the same user details as the website.
8) select a class and then select the question you want to ask them.
9) click on the camera icon at the bottom of the screen.
10) get the pupils to hold their card up with the side labelled A, B, C or D at the top according to what they think
11) slowly scan the room and the app registers the pupil responses, with a bar chart displayed in the top right corner as it constantly updates the responses. Genius!
Of course, with Apple TV on, the pupils found it hilarious to be on the big screen but all in all it went well and I think it has enormous potential.
Reflections of an iPad classroom 26/9/14
Oh blog, it's been a while. Apologies but I'm sure I'm just like the rest of you, hitting the ground running after the summer.
So the iPads are still with me for the foreseeable future and the HODs and SMT in school have all got one each too. It's been weird for me trying to think about how to use one iPad in a classroom when I'm used to at least one between two, one each at A level. There are certain apps which lend themselves to it of course, from the fabulous Explain Everything to my two of my favourites for starters, Decide Now and Make Dice Lite.
I have been using Explain Everything in three main ways. Firstly, I have made some videos, using old PPTs and recording audio with them, as a way to flip the classroom. The videos are uploaded to Edmodo and the pupils can access them there in advance of the lesson, which frees up the lesson time to consolidate learning. Secondly, I have marked pupil work which they uploaded to Edmodo, talking through mistakes as I circled them using the pen tool and then I uploaded the video back onto Edmodo for them to watch and correct their work. Lastly, I have taken pictures of pupils' work in class as we have worked through translation work. It is easier for them to see corrections if they can see the base model on the screen and we talk through the different options they have too. I am finding that they are contributing more than they would otherwise.
With the set of 17 iPads, we have been using Quizlet in bursts within the lesson to consolidate vocabulary acquisition. The pupils love it and feel it has really helped them learn the vocab. I set up a departmental account that they all log in to, which means that the tailored vocabulary is there waiting for them. Interestingly, we find the website better than the app, if you choose to use it.
Finally, today I used Plickers for the first time. I had read about it on Twitter but hadn't done anything with it yet. It's a way of using one iPad in the classroom to assess pupil understanding and record answers. I'll do a separate blogpost on it soon.
Decide Now,
Explain Everything,
Make Dice Lite,
Tuesday 1 July 2014
Network for Languages Philip Campagna Differentiation
We were able to attend a series of talks/workshops run by Routes into Languages In our school last month. The first I went to was Differentiation by Philip Campagna. Here are my rough notes:
Of the ways to differentiate, the easiest (although a bit of a cop out) is differentiation by outcome.
Most teachers teach to the middle.
Be careful with extension work, a lot of bright children don't like the idea that they're given harder work, they want to go deeper.
If differential gets wider within a class, planning gets harder and harder.
Target the individual pupil, give them autonomy.
Is planning more about getting through topics or helping learners progress in their learning?
The attitude of the learner is key. How do we get a learner to buy in?
Look at language acquisition rather than rote learning with little comprehension.
Writing is just copying at this stage. We want them to develop skills.
David Crystal A little book of language.
We should be like tennis coaches, break it down, exaggerate it.
Differentiation by support, let them see the bigger picture, work the first two questions as examples.
Teacher, pupils helping each other, classroom assistant.
Language ambassadors/leaders. Get them to talk to younger pupils re what it was like to go through GCSEs.
Audit rest of staff to see if they have any languages.
Differentiation by text / resources.
Need to build in challenge even for lower ability pupils.
Differentiation by task. Eg do similar task where weaker ones interview 6th Years, as they find writing difficult.
Differentiation by interest: what are they interested in?
Do they want to go off skiing etc? Interview them re interests eg future plans and teach them that vocab
Teachers dislike identifying less able pupils but kids know.
Use 'at least' as this gives even weakest chance of success. (At least 2 better than at least 5)
Replace at least 5 words in the text with synonyms
Use same photo for different activities with different year groups.
Form 1 as self.
Forms 2-3 as third person.
A level conditional
Differentiation by support. Give less able pupils key words or ask them what words they would want to say.
Improvise as many sentences as you can which contain the word X (eg Tigre) Go table by table for feedback on possible sentences.
Differentiation by support:
Explain to your partner how you did something, figured something out.
We don't give them iPhone classes but they work it out because they want to.
Ask kids how we could use the technology.
Ability groups or mixed ability groups acc to fitness for purpose.
Try boy/girl seating plan for some activities. Watch the boy dynamics.
Work in groups to reconstruct the text.
Network for Languages Philip Campagna Group Talk
The second session at the Network for Languages event was led by Philip Campagna on Group Talk. Brain child of Greg Horton, we have been playing around with the idea of Group Talk for a while now so I was keen to hear what Philip had to say. Here are my notes:
Developing independent learners
Barriers to effective speaking:
How do I monitor it? As opposed to other skills where I collect the answers in.
Nature of the tasks - often mundane, transactional and predictable. Non-engaging stimuli.
Often confined to pair work, lack of collaborative group work.
Poor pronunciation due to lack of coverage of basic phonics.
Talking cards round the room, pupils went round, pressed the button and answered the question. Made them think on their feet. This is something I could do with the iPads.
a e i o u Do a point and repeat exercise
Do a chopping sign for acute / accent
Give them mini flashcards with the sounds oi, ui etc and one person in group holds up the sound card as the teacher calls the sound.
Phonic trains - join in as lead pupil in each train moves round class making the noise of their card.
Sheets with image groups eg trois, poisson, oiseau etc.
Restricted meaningful use of TL impacts negatively. Make it meaningful and purposeful.
Peer pressure, not cool to speak out in class
3 names on slide, ¿cuántos años tienen?
Opinions, speculative language . Give them this language.
Rules of engagement
Stage 1
Groups of 5, first turns card over, says something and turns it back over. Next person does the same. No comment from others in group.
Stage 2
Give opinion (positive or negative)
Stage 3
Add adjectives, or justifying statements,
Stage 4
Others respond to the statement with agreement or disagreement
Turn photos face up. First person says something. Only one person at a time, if two speak at once then one backs off. Tell them to have three responses to their comment in the group then move on to next photo.
Give me one phrase from each table that you would have liked to have had
Do the Group Talk sheet as a levelled framework
Develop speaking activities which move away from role play activities
Talk to the pupils about what they want to study eg past tense?
Step away and don't comment when they are talking.
Note to self: Bring photos back in at start of lesson as a starter, use the Guardian Eye Witness app
Greg Horton,
Philip Campagna,
Wednesday 26 March 2014
Roca, papel, tijeras, evolución
So thanks once again to the wonderful MFL Resources Yahoo group where Rachel Hawkes caught my interest posting about Chris Fullers' game Rock, Paper, Scissors, Evolution. I have played it with 6 different classes in the past two days and they all loved it.
Pupils circulate round the room, exchanging a selected piece of information eg favourite hobby, food, etc. Once they have exchanged information, they play Roca Papel Tijeras. Here's where the evolution comes in.. They start as an egg, holding their hands clasped above their head. Whoever wins rock paper scissors in each pair 'evolves' into a chick, then into a bird, an elephant (don't ask!) and finally the ultimate winner is the first to become a superhero. The key is that eggs can only talk to eggs, chicks to chicks, etc..
It sounds more complicated than it is, it only takes a few minutes so it's a great starter and kids of all ages loved it #win
Wednesday 19 March 2014
Building blocks of learning
After tweets from @dominic_mcg and @bellaale I have been inspired to create these blocks for my Challenge Corner in my classroom for pupils who finish before the rest. They join an array of extension activities which include Challenge Cards, cartoons and books including a One Direction album in Spanish.
The idea is that pupils can build sentences with the words on the blocks. Let's see how it goes..
The idea is that pupils can build sentences with the words on the blocks. Let's see how it goes..
Friday 14 February 2014
Reflections of an iPad classroom 14/2/13
The downside is that it appears to be slightly pernickety. I created a set of Flashcards last night for pets, in preparation for an observation lesson today. For whatever reason, signing in to the account and importing the board didn't work. It was extremely frustrating, especially given the focus and interest other pupils had previously displayed. I'll try again next week, as this is an app potentially worth its weight in gold.
Tuesday 11 February 2014
The meaning of Twitter for my PGCE talk
I tweeted tonight to ask people what Twitter meant to them in advance of my MFL PGCE talk tomorrow. Here's a Wordle of the responses.
Monday 10 February 2014
#ililc4 @valleseco Keynote
From Queen to Sinatra
Under pressure
Need for teacher personality, technology shouldn't kill this (The Buggles Video killed the radio star)
Play Pointless or Family Fortunes
Pupils will take repeated negative comments from a computer but not a teacher
Use technology to enhance our skills and activities not replace them
Songsmith to make up songs
Delicious to bookmark sites
"I can" statements to assess what kids can do - see Claire's spreadsheet
I started off making the notes above but then put the iPad down, sat back and let Clare's words flow over me. She was an excellent keynote speaker, capturing the mood and pushing most of us to the point of tears with her concluding song My Way. So that's that, #ililc4 is over and we leave inspired, enthused, full of friendship and love for these friends we only maybe see once or twice a year, or have only met this year for the first time at #ililc4. We stand tall and we move on with the love, humour, support and inspiration of the #mfltwitterati
#ililc4 @spanishsam Speaking
Weighting in GCSE
Prepare them for KS5 and beyond
Communication vs grammar
Pupil desire to communicate
LAD language acquisition device within us
Comprehensible input
Acquired not learned
Think about language we want them to acquire eg it's your turn
Can't just learn by rote
Importance of grammatical and linguistic competence
How do we teach languages?
Grammar - translation
Communicative approach
St Martins
Accuracy at the same time as fluency - mimes, song, team competitions, visual support, high levels of interaction and classroom routines
Drip feeding language in routines & team competitions
SOWs developed with full activites in mind
Allow for spontaneous speech James Stubbs
TL as much as you can and as much as they are able
¿Cómo se dice.. en español / inglés?
¿Puedo ..?
¿Puedo hablar en inglés?
Mimes to help them
Phrases on the board
Jesús , mentiroso, perdóname por haber llegado tarde
Spontaneous speech helps in the oral exam especially the borderline students
Encourage and reward TL with team points
Forfeits eg hopping on one leg, conjugate a verb etc
objective setting
Asking for stuff
Team points
Homework setting
Setting up pair work activites
Mimes and actions
Mime for each word eg sign language thumb and fingers
Encore une fois
Colour coding for a reason
Activities bag
WC is whole class
Repeat if correct
Encore une fois - trapdoor
Pass the telephone
Mime to practise
Speed reading
Version with blanks, more blanks each time
Planning a SOW
End activity
- pupil language
- Interaction language
- Content language
Drip feed language all the way through
Use the structure do you prefer ..or.. ? I prefer .. because..
#ililc4 @lancslassrach Do you flubaroo?
Rachel has a closed Google site, pupils watch video, Google form to fill in and flubaroo marks it.
Must keep answers short.
Go to Google Drive
Create a form
Theme and title
Question title eg cat
Question type
Must select required question and then click done
Add item allows you to add a question
Must include name
Share form by emailing
You must submit a response, call it teacher or your name
Responses form - insert script
Search for flubaroo, select and install
Select flubaroo and select 'Grade assignment'
Assign points
Select teacher responses as Answer Key
This was such a good session, the buzz was palpable at the potential for this to cut down on marking at the same time as assessing pupil learning and progress. Hurrah!
#ililc4 @dominic_mcg Make a difference by differentiating differently
A brilliant talk on differentiation, thanks Dom! Here are my notes...
Make a difference by differentiating differently
To keep pupils motivated and engaged
Who do we differentiate for?
Different levels of skill
Ability and proficiency
Social background
Social development
Emotional development
Physical needs
By task
By outcome (this is lazy)
By support
By resources eg reading comprehension at differing levels of complexity
By interest
By variety
For ability by ability
Underlining the correct answer (shouldn't test their reading/writing too, shouldn't penalise someone because they can't write in the language)
Multiple choice
Put phrases in correct order
Smileys for positive / negative reactions (listen for tone of emotion first time round, do they sound happy, etc)
Video clips to offer clues (more like real life)
Give out the script
Hold up picture cards (eg weather forecast, hold up their card if hear their weather)
Speaking activities
Quiz quiz trade Q&A with model answers
Completing a survey with all answers where student has to tick boxes, not write stuff down
Allow cue cards - they can have these at GCSE and A level
Give out a list of "must includes" - train them eg fabby phrases
Speaking frames
Allow students to improvise
Use ICT (Dominic's talk yesterday)
Reading activities
Different or modified texts
Different presentations eg comics, websites, handwritten text, authentic pages eg www.le-sac-des-files.net
Different questions
Matching eg Tarsia http://changing-phase.blogspot.co.uk
Questions in English
Multiple choice answers
Number the lines in a text and tell the students which line the answers are on
Writing activities
Writing frames - MFL Sunderland
Add a question at the bottom eg How could you personalise this?
Vocabulary and grammar lists
Vocabulary games eg wordsearches (differentiate by not giving words) extend by 10 subjects and 10 opinions then write sentences after done, crosswords
Mini whiteboards
Lego blocks - use this for Spanish colours? http://domsmflpage.blogspot.com
T1- Top and Tail Sue Cowley's Seven T's of Differentiation
Get students to use an exact number of words then build up a couple of words each time
Give students words to include (random or key words)
Student as teacher to group
Share good work and get others to explain whey
Level their own work and say why
Group student by mixed ability
T2 Time
Countdown timer eg Sandfields Benny Hill timer
T3 targets
Differentiate for one group of students per lesson - realistic, no time to do for all
Student of the week
Rewards - Classdojo
Some, most, all
T4 teamwork
Ability, friends, skills,
T5 thinking skills
Poster, paragraph, podcast
"HOTS not MOTS" Peter Anstee 2010 higher order thinking skills not more of the same
SNOT Self, neighbour, other, teacher (see three before me)
T6 texts
Use authentic texts - magazines, newspapers, comics (real, not off internet)
Handwritten texts
T7 technology
iPads, voice recorders, IWB, YouTube, QRcodes, Zondle, linguascope, Sutton High MFL Fun with Languages site (check this out!)
See Dom's last slide re links for further reading
#ililc4 Show and Tell
End of Day 1 and we all came to the Show and Tell at Highfield House armed with at least 1000 calories each as Zena has suggested we bring snacks so we took her at her word (and then some) An excellent night was had by all. Here are my scribbled notes:
Isabelle Jones @icpjones "Any excuse for a song!"
iPod roulette in the car driving to work, Isabelle has a list of questions to decide if she will the song with a class or not
Helen Myers talked about ALL webinar and events
Lisa Stevens
Stamp clap click activity using one two three in the language between partners (A says 1, B says 2, A says 3, B says 1, etc) then they start replacing the numbers little by little with a stamp for 1, then a clap for 2 and finally a click for 3. A great brain gym activity and I don't think @missmclachan and I were the only two who struggled....
Rachel Smith The 20 day challenge
Rachel watched Matt Cutte Try something new for 30 days TED talk video
Talked to pupils about dead time in the day (bus, etc)
What could we do for 10 mins every day? Duolingo etc.
Display with ideas
Twitter: 5 words a day, video, retweets, Peppa Pig
The idea is that doing something for that length of time is habit-forming
Joe Dale song by John Connor. Brilliant. Enough said.
Clare Seccombe post-its
Speech bubble post-its and normal ones
Grid 8/16 stimuli, stick on post-its
Translation either way
Sherlock Guess Who type game
Instant feedback
Padlet and Linoit
Silent feedback while kids work
Question wall
Venn diagrams or sorting activity
Two, one with question and one with answer
Question in book for teacher
Question on board - pupil response
Sam Broom Songs
Numbers, restaurante, el rap de los verbos
Preterite song
Slideshare for songs Spanish Sam
Ricky Martin song for arriving late.
I wish I could sing!!
Simone Haughey
Confucius classroom year of the horse has included bringing two horses in, choir, panda mosaic etc. Fabulous!
Garry Mills
sporcle.com Spanish then loads of choices
Movie titles en español translation game or box options
Eleanor Abrahams
Physical response to text eg Mexican wave for capital letter, finger click for comma, two claps for full stop, finger click for apostrophe, panic expression for exclamation mark, one clap for accent. Love it though hurts my head!
Nina Elliott
Hip Hop Phonics
2nd time = stand up! 3rd time = Physical reaction as well as stand up eg rapper move
How much did we love this?! The batman videoed it, he thought it was so fab lol.
Chris Fuller
Steps to TeachMeet MFL
1 find a collaborator to help share the workload and the fun
2 find a venue and choose a date
3 find a sponsor
4 create a TM wiki sign up page
5 spread the word then nag
6 keep it simple
Time to do an MFL TeachMeet in Northern Ireland then...
Glennis Pye
Getting pupils to speak
Intensive courses, need pupils to work more on stuff at home
Predicted the vocab in advance
Sent home to listen to video. Edmodo quiz that accompanied listening
Transcription of listening set as HW or weaker could ask for blankfill
Translation of the transcript
Extra = spot the mistake
Duet John Connor and Simone Haughey. Brilliance again :-)
Dominic McGladdery
Mot de passe (password) game.
Word association
One word clues for Alex who has back to board as words flash up.
Off to make some myself..
Sunday 9 February 2014
#ililc4 @elvisrunner In at the deep end
@elvisrunner aka Eleanor Abrahams has recently come into a department as HOD, where possibly the biggest issue was that the kids were not engaged. In this session, she talked about the different targets she has had and the strategies she has employed to help the department move forward, bringing the pupils on board as they go.
Improve ethos
Project-based SOW
Parental involvement
Target 1 engagement
Create a dance routine with commands (drama strong in school so she decided to tap into this)
Watched Ashleigh and Pudsey routine from Britain's Got Talent, and got pupils to say what would Ashleigh say, then they had to shout commands as Pudsey moved. Much hilarity ensued as we tried this ourselves...
Target 2 accurate assessment data
Standard tests for all brought in
Joint moderation
Standardised level calculator
Reliable tracking
Visual aids for pupils to see improvement as their name moves up the ladder
Target 3 Improve the image
Resources onto the wikis
Performing Arts department strong.
Lyrics to Summer Nights, sort according to the order they think lyrics should be in
Starter - 4 words one pic idea for 4 different musicals.
Subtitle bingo - subtitles mixed on each pupil page, they tick as they see it in subtitles.
Character analysis followed, based on the film and they created a poster using the imperative to advertise it.
Lead the department
Leadership is not a position or a title, it is action and example
Move away from the textbook but keep their assessments, vocab can guide you as you write your SOWs (this is what we do)
Venn diagram of key topics, with words to place on the circles - makes them think of how they can apply vocabulary in more than one area
Connect 4
Strip bingo
Colours - buzz word bingo. Differentiation
Check out all the ideas on the amazing http://elvisrunner.blogspot.com/
Start with your colour then try the next colour if you can manage it
Eleanor decided to allow pupils exposure to past and future tenses . She recognised that she could allow the kids to be better by exposure to it and using it.
This was a brilliant, interactive and inspiring session and gave me so many ideas to take away. The full presentation is on Eleanor's blog http://elvisrunner.blogspot.co.uk where she explains it all much better than me
#ililc4 @dominic_mcg Talking Tools
NB I have decided to leave these blogposts as more or less the notes I took at the time, as sometimes lists are easier to digest and quicker to find key ideas.
Traditional talking tools
Dice - name number of words acc to dice roll for a given topic
Cooperative learning structures Kagan - quiz quiz trade
Hats masks and disguises (I think it was Sadie McLachlan who talked about having a moustache stuck to a pencil and the pupil in the group talked when they had the pencil in front of them)
Audacity - see also José Picardo's guide to podcasting. Kids like changing their voices
Audioboo - up to 3 mins
Crazy talk - expensive PC programme but £0.69 on iTunes
Voki (you can save them into Publisher file)
Goanimate (make voice files on audacity)
Talking Tom Cat (cartoon)
Puppetpals 2
Songify - see songify in action with the hilarious video "this reality hits you hard bro" on YouTube
Rory's Story Cubes
cueprompter.com great for CA practice Visoprompt free does the same job
Yakit kids
Line learner lite
Tellagami - some say it is better than Voki
There were lots of fab ideas in Dom's session plus we had time to play about with the apps and create different speaking activities and examples. He is putting his two talks on his blog http://domsmflpage.blogspot.co.uk
#ILILC4 @icpjones More than words
NB I have decided to leave these blogposts as more or less the notes I took at the time, as sometimes lists are easier to digest and quicker to find key ideas.
The way words look
Visuals to support language you introduce
Get pupils to visualise new language
Think about presentation of work
The way words sound
TL sounds different to different learners
Response to sounds (boys self-conscious that French sounds girly)
Differences without stereotyping
Pure listening without reference to MT is nearly impossible
Reading out loud - old fashioned but pupils enjoy
Jacques Prévert Spectacle poem - mix of translation and play on words
Jacques Prévert L'amiral - like a tongue twister . Pupils have a set idea that poetry has to rhyme and this shows them it doesn't.
Ana Tijoux: Las horas rap (one of her songs is in FIFA game so lots of kids recognise her, she has loads of songs on YouTube)
See Isabelle's YouTube account for playlists
The way words interact with each other
Etymology: prefixes & suffixes
idioms (lost in translation language)
<<awkward English>>
Teach them set phrases and expressions - I really liked this idea and am going to get them to create photos eg ponerse rojo como un tomate
Look on Youtube
Use Blabberize.com to animate a photo
Fluency of learning words and phrases? Not necessarily part and parcel of the fluency but nice to have and good for pushing more interested/ able pupils
Kit Brett book with podcasts for French
Be aware of languages words have been borrowed from eg piano from Italian
Rhyming words dictionaries
Text types
Think about the type of connectives you teach them. (Last column) Helps you focus on that when preparing your lessons
Playful with the links between languages
http://trabalenguasenespanol.com Tongue twisters
Chistes de Lepe www.1000chistes.com/chistes-de-lepe jokes website
Poetry links
Le message - pupils can copy the structure to do their own poetry
Give them recipe list above for writing poetry.
Un verbe: Aimer (on YouTube) kind of rap, about the excitement of meeting somebody new
Colour poem "what is blue? The sky is blue" idea
Word clouds and calligrammes
Wordle and Tagxedo (import your own picture)
Diamond poems eg to reinforce grammar
Haikus - great for speaking
Kennings - form of metaphor, 2 word phrase. eg whale-road for sea
http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net Use this, it's not perfect but it models it for them
ivona.com also for text to speech
Decide Now app
Made-up songs for specific purpose eg Soy Una pizza on YouTube
Musical translation - eg Kevin, Karla y la Banda Wrecking Ball. Show them parallel texts of the song lyrics. Don't show them the video if it's a distraction.
Muy interesante website has lots of great stuff on it.
Guía de reciclaje para móvil
Guardia Civil medio ambiente page
Warner Bros add .es etc to go to the Warner Bros website for that language
Copy the page you want them to read, paste it into Lingro and Lingro acts as a dictionary
As always, this was a great session by the ever-creative and inspirational Isabelle Jones. Her original presentation will be in her blog http://isabellejones.blogspot.co.uk
#ililc4 @joedale keynote Putting the Pedagogy into the Technology
This year was the fourth ICT Links into Languages conference at the university of Southampton, brought about by the hard work of Zena Hilton and her team. King of the #mfltwitterati, Joe Dale, kicked off proceedings for the weekend with his keynote. The theme of this year's ICT Links into Languages was putting the pedagogy into the technology. In a breakneck race through a multitude of slides, Joe showed us a lot of links and information to support this.
The key message I took out of the Carol Dweck video was that pupils need to see setbacks as opportunities to learn. As teachers, we need to see the pedagogy in using the technology and recognise the fact that technology is a tool not a learning outcome. Another key idea to remember is that pupils are technology comfy not technology savvy.
Joe showed us a video which talked about the Tpack: that sweet spot where technology, pedagogy and content knowledge all come together. He also showed us slides on the SAMR model of Substitution augmentation modification and redefinition. I really liked the way the video explained it:
Substitution is using Google docs as a word processor.
Augmentation is sharing the Google doc.
Modification is using the Google doc for collaboration and comment.
Redefinition is sharing the Google doc across the world, speaking comments and embedding the final text into your class website.
We all should aim for the top two levels of modification and redefinition and Joe had zillions of links to teachers doing amazing things in terms of flipping their classrooms, sharing good practice and improving the learning. You will get a chance to check them out on his blog http://joedale.typepad.com
With Joe having set the tone for the weekend, we then set off excitedly in search of our talks and workshops, iPads, tablets, pens and paper at the ready..
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